School management has always been — and still is — an extensive undertaking on the part of educational institutions around the world. It requires painstakingly monitoring the academic progress (or otherwise) of all parties involved, towards constant learning
Careful examination of resulting data will ensure optimal operations for any educational organization. Efficient and just management is of paramount importance towards satisfied students, parents or guardians and staff, altogether.
Most School Management Software products evolve around four main pillars. And regardless of any extensive list of features, we can find a basic feature set around these pillars, aiming to accommodate daily routines for nearly every type of educational institution.
This “extended” feature includes a set of more specific features to help in structuring curriculum, grouping courses and classes and defining their individual characteristics.
Student registration and distribution to class groups and enrollment to classes and courses is one of the core features in School Management Software. In the long run, all information stored will be used to monitor and analyze individual progress, until graduation.
Student management includes daily notifications relevant to classes. But that’s usually not the end of it. Students, parents and guardians also need access to essential information, such as timetables, attendance records, gradebooks, financials and payments per student, pending and outstanding payments, as well as installments (where applicable).